Thursday, December 1, 2016

Cats Actually Like to Work for Food

By: Laura Geggel

     Apparently, cats can get bored if their food comes too easily without any challenge. You can buy food puzzles or putting dry food in an empty water bottle and cutting a hole in the side so the cat has to push it around and play with it for food to come out. Cats who eat with puzzles are said to be healthier and happier than cats who eat out of regular bowls. Cats that eat with puzzles are usually more physically fit, have fewer behavior problems and fewer over-grooming problems. They provide cats with exercise and mental stimulation. Cats are hunters by nature and would otherwise be hunting for their food all day if it wasn't for the food bowl. An obese, eight year old cat lost 20 percent of its body weight after a year of eating out of food puzzles. When I first read the article name, I though about how lazy my two cats are and how fat one of them is. As I began reading they addressed this common thought by saying there are no boundaries for cats. Lazy cats are just bored cats.

     This article was intended to educate and enlighten people about cats. I learned that cats like to work for things due to their natural instincts. I was enlightened because this article has made me realize that just because my fat cat sits around all day doesn't mean he's just lazy, he's probably bored and needs more stimulation. This was also for anyone else who just pictured cats as lazy.

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