Wednesday, September 21, 2016

"North Korea Bans Sarcasm"

By John Kuroski

     Last month, citizens of North Korea were warned by government officials not to make any sarcastic comments or indirect criticisms about the country's leadership. North Korea tends to blame other countries for their internal problems, which created the phrase, "This is all America's fault" that is commonly and sarcastically used by citizens. More specifically, North Korean citizens were warned not to join in on mockery directed at their leader, Kim Jong-un. At the end of the article, Kuroski adds something about The Wedding Ban. I clicked on that to read about the Wedding Ban and in addition to weddings, funerals and any freedom of movement in and out of the capitol are also prohibited.
     This article is informative as well as hilarious. Even though North Korea is ruled by a delusional dictator, the ridiculous events going on are hard to grasp. After getting over the comical side of what's happening in North Korea, I feel heartbroken for what their citizens have to go through. I hope they get out from Kim Jong-un's rule and will no longer live miserable lives.

1 comment:

  1. I loved your article. Poor N. Korea! How can they live without sarcasm!
