Changing Colors in Saturn's North
By: Tony Greicius
Between 2012 and 2016 Colors in Saturn's north-polar region has went from blue to a golden color. Scientists are investigating potential causes for this change, and believe one of them may be due to Saturn's seasons. As the north pole approaches summer solstice, there is an increased production of photochemical hazes which may be the cause of the color change from blue to gold. Researchers think the north-polar hexagon acts as a barrier from haze particles produced outside it from entering. Because of this, the hexagon can become clear of aerosols produced by photochemical reactions involving sunlight and the atmosphere. Since 2009, Saturn's north region has continuous sunlight making it possible to produce aerosols inside the hexagon, giving it the hazy appearance.
I definitely felt educated after reading this article and I believe that was the sole purpose of why this article was written. I had no that Saturn had a north polar hexagon or the ability to change color, which scientists are very close to finding the exact reason why. This was also entertaining as this is the first I have heard of a planet ever changing color.